How polyprenols can help treat alcoholism?

Polyprenols are a group of naturally occurring compounds that have gained interest in recent years for their potential health benefits. One of these benefits is polyprenols ability to help treat alcoholism. Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, is a chronic disease that is characterized by a person’s compulsive and uncontrollable use of alcohol despite […]

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Benefits of polyprenols for those in drug addiction treatment

Polyprenols are a type of long-chain alcohol found in various organisms, including plants. They have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including their potential use in helping drug addicts overcome their addiction. Drug addiction is a complex disorder that affects the brain and behavior of individuals, making it difficult to stop using drugs despite

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What polyprenols do for your liver?

A healthy liver is essential because it helps the body maintain its overall health. The liver is the body’s largest internal organ and is responsible for many important functions, including producing proteins and enzymes, removing toxins, producing bile, storing and releasing energy, and breaking down fats and carbohydrates. When the liver is not functioning properly,

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Meet Our Production Partner Art Life

Art Life, the manufacturing partners that produce our natural supplements, is one of Russia’s fastest growing companies. They are considered the founder of the country’s wellness industry and are industry-leading producers of dietary supplements, cosmetics, functional food products, bio-active complexes, and more. Art Life has created more than 500 different products, including more than 100

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The Amazing Antioxidant Effects of Taxifolin from Larch Trees

One component of our 3F Three Force supplement is dihydroquercetin (aka DHQ or taxifolin). Extracted from the stump of larch trees, taxifolin is a powerful free radical scavenger, an excellent antioxidant supplement that has been used for ages where cardiovascular disease, cancers and diabetes are concerned. In fact, its high level of antioxidant benefits makes

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Natural Supplements from an Educational Metropolis in Siberia

Our manufacturing partners, ArtLife, create our 3F Three Force natural supplements in the Siberian city of Tomsk, aka The Oxford of Russia. The polyprenols in our supplements are derived from coniferous branches in Tomsk as well. Originally founded in 1640 as a military fortress, at the end of 19th century, Tomsk started to become one

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Introducing 3F Three Force by Siberian Polyprenols

Natural dietary supplement 3F Three Force by Siberian Polyprenols is a uniquely targeted compound designed to protect and regenerate your cells and to increase the restorative potential of your tissues and organs. This compound is made up of ingredients extracted from trees: pine, birch, and larch of the Siberian taiga forest. It also includes viburnum

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