
Siberian Polyprenols


Our founder- Alexandra!

This is Alexandra. Tranquility was not her strongest suit in life until she had to face some serious health issues in 2018 when she was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC). As she started working her way back to long lost inner peace, well-being and overall health she was lucky to be introduced by her friends to a Siberian sourced pine extract called “Polyprenols”. That discovery allowed her to provide her body with some of the greatest natural immunity boosters so she could pace herself for a slow but steady recovery without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Alexandra started Siberian Polyprenols to share her newly found freedom to heal naturally with others.

Alexandra McCarthy CEO and Founder of company Siberian Polyprenols pictured in the park on the bench with sunlight all over the scene. This is her while diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer and doing well - a great example of using natural medicines l to heal and restore your health.
White snow field with large strikingly blue ice cubes pocking through. This is photo of Siberian environment of crispy clean air and land without toxins. Using products grown and manufactured in clean environments like that ensures their high quality and purity.

Why Siberia?

Siberia is some of the purest and resources rich regions on Earth. Siberia’s vast territory of about 5,207,900 square miles spans through giant coniferous forests and many tall mountain ranges. One can’t help but to experience a sense of infinite freedom, unity with the wildlife and contemplation of the eternal realm of primeval wisdom when visiting here. Siberia is also a home to some of the most advanced scientific research institutions of Russia. These two factors plaid a significant role in our choice of a manufacturer of our product(s) due to their access to natural, ecologically clean, environmentally sustainable, scientifically researched substances.

Science behind 3F Three Force product.

Our manufacturing partners have the most modern production base, greatly developed research potential, and highly qualified personnel. Their highly professional base allows them it to grow, increase production, and release new types of wellness products to expanding markets frequently.


Located at the foothills of the North-Eastern Altai between two rivers the largest number of medicinal plant species grow. The ecological situation is the most favorable in this region: there are no concentrated industries nearby, there are no acid rains, the territories are not treated with chemicals, and the population density is very low. High-quality plant materials are harvested and processed here. Equipped with modern equipment for drying, crushing, and storing of all types of herbs, roots, and fruits our partners process all incoming raw materials through physical, chemical, microbiological, and organoleptic identification studies, all in accordance with the requirements for safe raw material handling.

Polyprenols in the nutshell.

It’s actually quite simple, although somewhat scientific. A “prenol” is a natural isoprenoid alcohol or terpene (essential oil base) which is an organic compound that is produced by a variety of plants and particularly conifers. Where there is more than 4 “prenols” they become polyprenols. Polyprenols play an important role, acting as natural bioregulators, and are found in small quantities in various plant tissues. Dolichols, which are found in all living creatures, including humans, are their derivatives. Work on the extraction of polyprenols from pine branches has started long time ago at the Leningrad Forestry Institute and products, that came out of that research, were used by doctors in WWII during the siege of Leningrad to heal soldiers wounds and as nutrients for citizens of the occupied city.

* The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice.